Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I think that one of the weirdest parts of pregnancy so far has been waiting to "show." First of all, I think it is funny that there is an official term for getting a baby belly. And each woman gets her baby belly at different times, so no one can tell you when you will stop looking just fat/bloated and start actually looking pregnant.

Since I am normally pretty small, I thought people would be able to notice earlier that I was putting on weight...but that really hasn't been the case. I'll be 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow (that's almost 4 months for those who don't speak preggo language), but when I tell people that I am pregnant I still get the glance at my face, glance at my belly, glance back at my face with a confused look look. I follow that up with an "I know, I'm not really showing yet."

I have gotten to the point where I don't like to zip and button my pants. Actually, I've been at that point since week 8 (2 months). The Be Band from Target (from the makers of Bella Band) has been a lifesaver...It's like a big stretchy elastic band that I can wear over the waist of my pants so no one can tell that I don't have my pants buttoned. Helps the growing belly...which is really just a little bloated for me at this point.

It's been nice that I can still wear a lot of my regular clothes...especially dresses. I have experimented with maternity clothes (1 pair of capris with a hidden elastic waist and 2 really trendy maternity tops that just look like loose versions of regular tops), but I'm still small enough that most maternity clothes just look ridiculous on me...like I'm trying too hard to look pregnant. So for now I'll continue to squeeze into my regular clothes as long as they will let me...I'm sure I'll be looking back nostalgically on these days soon enough!

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