Monday, June 22, 2009

No room at the inn

There are so many things to learn about pregnancy that I had no idea about. One of the biggest learning experiences is figuring out how everything that's already inside of my body is making room for baby. I already feel like there is no more room! Before you are pregnant, all of your internal organs and such fit nicely inside your body. Then, a baby starts growing in there and he/she decides to shove everything out of the way to make room for baby. Well all of those pieces have to go somewhere because I still need them!

One day not too long ago, I was lounging on the couch (imagine that?!) when I noticed a strange lump above my belly button that had not been there before. Of course, I made Ryan feel it (because if I have to feel strange things than he should too) and Ryan assumed it was the baby. But that's impossible...the baby is still well below my belly button at this stage of pregnancy. So I had to do a little research online to see if this lump was normal. After digging around, I found out that this lump is probably the result of my internal organs moving upward to make room for the baby. Weird, huh?

Also, in the past few days my rib cage has been feeling some extra pressure like everything that is inside it is pushing my ribcage has reached maximum capacity. And my tummy still isn't popping out too just gets very full and firm by the end of the day (after eating all of my required meals and snacks). Maybe it's time for baby to start moving outward instead of upward. :) Once that happens, I'll post a picture to share.

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