Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Now where did I leave my brain?

All of the pregnancy books that I have been reading have warned me of "Mommy Brain." Apparently pregnant women start to forget things....there's no rhyme or reason. Maybe it's just that there are so many things to think about that your brain can't hold all of your thoughts anymore. Now I can already be forgetful sometimes, even without "Mommy Brain," so I figured this would happen sooner or later. But it hit sooner rather than later. When I was doing laundry this weekend, I remembered putting the wet laundry in the dryer but I just couldn't remember if I had actually turned the dryer on (I did, but it took a trip upstairs to our laundry room to confirm it). Then yesterday, I was driving home after a trip to buy the famous/infamous pants with an elastic waist (maternity jeans)...and I literally drove down the highway right past the exit for our house. We live in a semi-suburban area near the airport, so when I say that I drove past my exit I mean that I started heading towards the airport...I even started seeing the signs for Terminal East and Terminal West with the airlines listed under the headings. When I realized what I was doing, I was mortified. I've never missed our exit! But what can you do but laugh. Luckily, there was an exit I could take to backtrack before I actually pulled up to the arrivals area at the terminal. During this 15 minute detour, all I could think about was how I was going to explain this escapade to Ryan. But when I got home, he was playing Guitar Hero World Tour so I got completely distracted and forgot to tell him about my driving episode. Isn't that fitting?

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