Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hi there! I'm not much of a blogger, but since I live miles and miles away from so many of my friends and family members I thought this would be a good way to keep everyone updated on my pregnancy. Ryan and I are officially 14 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. This means we have just begun our 2nd trimester! Yipee! We don't have a good nickname for the baby yet (since we don't know the gender), so sometimes we just refer to him/her as Humphrey #2 since this baby will technically be Humphrey (our dog)'s little brother or sister. Heehee.

So far our pregnancy has been pretty normal. Around 6 weeks morning sickness hit...and it hit even harder around weeks 7 and 8. Nausea, dry heaves, vomiting, need I say more? At 14 weeks, the sickness seemed to be waning until I got a wiff of dirty dishes in the sink this morning and I found myself holding my nose and mouth and running to the bathroom! My midwife says things should be looking up at 16 weeks. I certainly hope so!

We've decided to see a group of midwives at the University of Colorado Hospital for our pre-natal care. Midwifery at University of Colorado Hospital They provide very personal attention and offer a lot of options for low-risk births (a category that I will hopefully continue to fall under). We've only had 2 appointments so far. I gained a whopping 1/2 lb between appointment #1 and appointment #2 (1 month apart), but the nurses assure me I will start packing on the pounds in no time. At our last appointment, we were able to hear the heartbeat with a fetal heart doppler (after about a minute of searching for it and me getting very nervous). Our baby had a strong heart rate of 160 beats per minute! Our next appointment is next week, but I don't expect anything too earth shattering to happen. They'll probably just get my weight and blood pressure, so I'll update the blog if I've gained a few pounds in the past month.

I'll post more on this blog as I think of interesting tidbits about my pregnancy to share with the world...or at least the friends and family that are interested enough to read this! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Caroline & Ryan! I was very excited to hear your news. John sent me the link to your blog, and I look forward to reading your updates. You guys and your little one are in my prayers. Best wishes, Aunt Mary
