Saturday, March 12, 2011


Josie took her first steps by herself on Feb 24, 2011 (15 months)!  We are so proud of her!  She still likes crawling better than walking but she is getting better and better on 2 feet every day.

As promised, here is the video of her first day walking.

We have really been having a lot of fun lately!  Josie has decided to only take 1 longer nap a day, so we are working on moving that nap from the morning to the afternoon (after lunch).  Once that happens, we can really take advantage of our time in the mornings.  Recently we have been to the Children's Museum, Little Monkey Bizness, the Downtown Aquarium, and several parks/playgrounds.  I'm hoping she will switch over to walking full time soon so she doesn't wear out the knees on all of her pants!

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Milestones

In the past month Josie finally got some major milestones we have been waiting for!  She took her first steps in February, and yesterday I felt her first tooth (on the bottom) broke though her gums! 

We have a video of Josie taking her first steps that I will post later.  In the meantime, here is a picture of Josie enjoying the magnet wall at the Children's Museum.