Friday, March 16, 2012

Almost 36 weeks pregnant

Today we had our 35 week midwife appointment and our growth scan/ultrasound.  I'm still measuring small according to my fundal height (33 cm), but luckily I grew enough to be considered in the normal range.  I've only gained 21.5 lbs, but the ultrasound showed that baby boy is 5lbs 9 oz (if the ultrasound is reliable) so he is on track to be bigger than Josie when he is born...unless he is born in the next week!  I'm 1 cm dialated, so things are heading in the right direction.

Since I've only gained 21.5 lbs and the midwives wanted me to gain between 28-40 lbs, I got the ok to eat a little more...even with my gestational diabetes.  I can add 15 carbs to my meals, and the midwives want me to eat foods with more fat.  That means full fat dairy, olives, etc.  I've already been doing that lately, but I'll really go for it now.  Did someone say bacon cheeseburger for lunch?!  The baby is on the small side of normal (27th percentile), so it is unlikely that he will get too big in the coming weeks.  However, if he goes past 40 weeks they may decide to induce me just to make sure he stays a good size.

All of the baby's measurements still look good.  The doctor confirmed that it appears the cleft involves both the lip and the palate.  The cleft appears to be fairly wide, so we should expect both nostrils to be affected.  Nursing will be difficult if not impossible.  None of this came as a surprise to us, as we are expecting the hardest possible situation with the cleft lip and palate.  However, there are other things that the baby will have to be tested for after he is born...heart problems, various syndromes...  Please keep this baby and our family in your prayers as we continue to hope that we will not have to face any of these other problems.

We will be 36 weeks pregnant on Sunday, and I am quite ready to meet this little guy!


  1. Sending lots of love your way, Caroline! Can't wait to meet the little man, too :)

  2. Pregnancy and Depression Tips from Dr. Oz
