Today we are 37 weeks pregnant (9 months, 1 week). This means we are considered officially full term. Even though we hope to keep this baby cooking inside me until 40 weeks (my due date), she could now be born at any time and be perfectly least that is what we pray for! At this point, her lungs should be fully mature so she can live outside of my body when she is born.
She now weighs a bit over 6 lbs and is approximately 19 inches long (about as long as swiss chard).
Sleep has been getting more difficult over the past few days and weeks. I've been having to get up 2-4 times a night to go to the bathroom. Also, Humphrey has been getting more he likes to climb up to the top of the bed in the middle of the night and sleep on my pillow with me. Literally, horizontally on my pillow with his face resting on my face. Last night however, I coaxed him into spooning instead and he slept with his head resting on my belly. I'm not sure if he's trying to bond with baby or get as much attention as he can before the baby arrives.
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