Today we are 38 weeks pregnant. Only 2 weeks until due date! Baby Sugar and Spice supposedly weighs about 6.8 lbs and is over 19 1/2 inches long...approximately the length of a leek.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if she came a little early. I am feeling BIG. I think she has "dropped," so I am feeling a lot of lower pressure. When I walk, it is very slow and more like a waddle. I cannot cross my legs anymore. I have gained about 30 lbs total with my pregnancy (I actually lost a couple pounds between last week and this week). My pelvic bones are aching and feel like they are bruised. When I stand up after sitting or laying down, I hear cracks and pops from that area. Sounds like things are widening in order to give birth. Baby's big head is creating some space!
With every passing day, I think about how much bigger this baby is getting. I hope she says at a size that will easily come out of my body. I get nervous that she might be too big! I've gained the majority of my weight in my stomach, so I'm hoping this doesn't mean there is a huge baby in there just waiting to give me a very long and hard labor!
Ryan and I bought a birthing ball (basically an anti-burst fitness ball), so I am excited to inflate it and sit on it when I am at home. It sounds much nicer to sit on a soft plastic ball and roll my hips around (hopefully this will help with the popping and cracking) instead of sinking into the sofa and having to flail my arms in order to get back up.
Also, Ryan and I went to a breastfeeding class this week. Sounds like I will basically be with baby 27/7 for the first 4 weeks. They encourage new moms who are breastfeeding to not introduce a bottle for the first 4 weeks if possible in order to get breastfeeding well established. And, baby will be eating every 1 1/2 - 3 hours. So basically baby will be with me everywhere I go (or don't go, as the case may be) since I will be her food source.
In an effort to be as safe as possible, I got my H1N1 shot last night (I got the seasonal flu shot last month). The midwife recommended it, and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends it for pregnant women as well. Pregnant women are at a higher risk of death if they contract H1N1 (and so are babies), so they say the benefits of getting the vaccination outweigh the risks. I agree. Also, after the baby is born we are not supposed to allow anyone with flu-like symptoms to be around the baby so hopefully this means I won't have to quarantine myself since I shouldn't get either of the flus. Ryan knows that he will have to bunk with his parents if he comes down with the flu after baby is born, so we are going to do our best to make sure this doesn't happen. Hand washing and hand sanitizer are our new best friends!
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