Today we had our 32 week appointment and met the 4
th (and final) midwife in our practice. I've really liked everyone we have met! We won't know until delivery time who will be the midwife in the delivery room with us, but I don't think we can go wrong.
We heard the heartbeat (in the 150-
ish beats per minute range), and the midwife thinks that baby already has her head down. Apparently this is a good sign. If the baby has her head down at 32 weeks, chances are it will stay that way for birth. Let's hope so, because I really want to delivery quickly and naturally if at all possible (although I am not opposed to drugs if I need them).
The only thing we will need to keep our eye on is my uterus measurements. To measure the uterus, the midwife feels around on your stomach until she feels the top and bottom of the uterus (from the outside) and measures the tummy/uterus height (also called
fundal height) with a measuring tape. I am measuring 29 1/2 cm, and the uterus usually measures within 2
cms of the week you are at. Ideally, I should be at 32 cm at 32 weeks. Since I am at 29 1/2 cm at 32 weeks, my uterus is measuring a little small. The midwife said she is not concerned because of the positioning of the baby. She felt all of the major body parts (since baby was sticking her bottom and feet out during the measuring process). Also, baby has a healthy heart beat so all signs point to healthy growth. At my next appointment, if I am still measuring small they may order another ultrasound just to double check on growth...but I have a strong feeling that everything is just fine because her growth has generally been on track with the last 2 ultrasounds.
I have gained a total of 23 lbs total as of today (no weight gain since last appt, but that could just be the difference between the morning appointment today and the afternoon appointment 2 weeks ago), so I'd say growth is coming along just fine! I'll have a few extra Reese's cups today to help things along. :)